We would like to draw your attention to the 2024 SGH International Conference "Challenges of modern economy - research conclusions of young scientists", organized by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Doctoral School.
VENUE: The event will be held at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland, on July 13-15, 2024. Please feel free to pass this invitation along to any doctoral students and post-docs who may be interested.
The conference is organized as part of the project "Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School's Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education" funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the program STER - Internationalization of Doctoral Schools".
NO PARTICIPATION FEES: Thanks to the funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange’s (NAWA) project STER, participation in the SGH 2024 International Conference "Challenges of modern economy - research conclusions of young scientists" is free of charge.
TOPIC: Against the backdrop of research specific to economics, finance, management, political science and politics, the objective of the 2024 SGH International Conference is to examine how contemporary events, processes, and developments impact economy, business sector, society (including the third sector), and politics. The goal of the conference is to encourage a debate on how the resulting context best referred to in terms of uncertainty, unpredictability, complexity, and turbulence impacts strategies, policies, and consumer behavior.
APPROACH: The 2024 SGH International Conference "Challenges of modern economy - research conclusions of young scientists" will explore from various perspectives both promising and more traditional topics related to challenges of modern economy in the form of plenary sessions, workshops, as well as a series of tracks. Bringing together young scholars and experienced, internationally recognized academics, the conference will serve as a venue where the conference participants will have opportunities to receive feedback on their research.
SUBMMITING THE ABSTRACT: Researchers interested in presenting their research at the conference, are invited to send abstracts. Following a review by the Conference Academic Committee, the authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit either full papers (up to 7000 words, including references, tables, figures, etc.), extended abstracts (ca 2500 words) or posters.
PARTICIPANTS: We welcome and encourage both empirically and conceptual-orientated papers, adopting a variety of methodological approaches and utilizing diverse sources of data, written by young scholars (MA students, PhD candidates, as well as early post-docs).
PUBLICATIONS: The authors of best papers, presentations, or posters, upon a recommendation of track chairs, will be invited to submit their work to either of journals from a list identified by the conference organizers. Journal specific rules and policies apply, including the standard review process apply. In addition, the authors of particularly interesting papers will be invited to contribute their work to a Scopus-indexed book publication. Standard rules and best practices will be adhered to.
LANGUAGE OF THE CONFERENCE: English is the official language of the conference.
TRACKS: The following six thematic tracks have been proposed, and interested participants are encouraged to submit their papers/extended abstracts/posters to either of these:
TRACK 1: Think twice! The digital turn and its implications for business, economy, society, politics and policies
TRACK 2: Grasp the connection! Demographics, migration and mobility vis-à-vis the society, economy, politics, modes of governance
TRACK 3: Stay calm, pre-empt the risks! Managing and governing uncertainty and unpredictability in politics, economy, and the business sector
TRACK 4: Deliver value! Value chains & supply chains: trends and evolution amidst deglobalization, fragmentation, and technological change
TRACK 5: Count us in! The third sector, and other stakeholders, complex socio-economic and political challenges, and the way forward
TRACK 6: In brief, sustainability! Sustainability and its multiple facets: society, economy, politics, entrepreneurship, and corporate strategies
In addition, the event will offer 15 teaching hours of key-note speeches and workshops conducted by internationally recognized academics.
• Abstract submission: March 10, 2024
• Decision on abstract acceptance: March 25, 2024
• Registration: June 15, 2024
• Submission of full paper, extended abstract, poster: June 30, 2024
TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATION: Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.
Please find more information on the submission process at the Conference’s website:
Contact: ds-conference@sgh.waw.pl
Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/1b1MuKUqPr
We look forward to receiving your submission!
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees
prof. dr hab. Marzanna Witek-Hajduk
Prodziekan Szkoły Doktorskiej
Kierownik Katedry Biznesu Międzynarodowego
Kierownik Podyplomowych Studiów Zarządzania Marką
Deputy dean of the Doctoral School
Chair of the International Business Department