We would like to invite you to participate in a course conducted by the prestige organization CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences). The course will take place within 16-20 September 2024 in Udine in Italy and will cover a number of issues related to tensegrity structures, with emphasis on the mechanics of operation of these structures.
W imieniu Czesław M. Rodkiewicz Scholarship Foundation zapraszamy do udziału w akcji "Konkurs 2024".
Dear PhD Students,
We would like to inform that the winter semester report of 2023/24 academic year, will only be open within 22.01.2024 (the ending of most classes) and 04.02.2024 (the begining of verification for the registration needs). In the schelued date the semester report must be generated and filled by the PhD student and reviewed by the supervisor.
DS Presidium
Schedule of PhD students’ mid-term evaluation in the WUT Doctoral School in the 2023/2024 winter semester
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to invite you for the classes ,,Advanced Functional Materials'' which are going to be conducted by a visiting prof. Robert Dominko, remarkable specialist in the field of convertion materials and energy storage. The leader of the initiative ,,Battery 2030+" about the future of the battery in Europe.
The registration of candidates will be conducted via the IRK system www.irk.pw.edu.pl from December 11, 2023.
Dear PhD Students,
We would like to inform you that the consultations for PhD students with the Presidium of the WUT Doctoral School next Thursday are cancelled.
We invite our students and doctoral students to submit for the Christmas Grant 2023 – a special grant awarded to students and doctoral students at the Warsaw University of Technology involved in promoting the University and building its positive image. The grant is financed by the resources collected during the WUT Christmas Fair.
Ruszyły zapisy na kurs "Nakręcona Nauka" - wyjątkowe szkolenie tworzone przez naukowców dla naukowców na temat tworzenia popularnonaukowych treści video. Obecna edycja odbywa się po raz pierwszy na Politechnice Warszawskiej w dniach 23-26 listopada w Rektorskiej 4, a poprzedzona jest spotkaniami on-line w celu przygotowania do intensywnego warsztatu stacjonarnego.
Dear PhD Students,
We would like to inform you that the consultations for PhD students with the Presidium of the WUT Doctoral School next Thursday are cancelled.