Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards

Joint international doctoral award — The award is run in partnership with Emerald Publishing, a leading digital-first publishers, commissioning, curating and showcasing research that can make a real difference. It champions fresh thinking and supports the work of doctoral students whose research on responsible management can create positive impact on a local and global scale.

Doctoral research addressing grand challenges

ODRA supports the global research community through an award programme that recognises exceptional doctoral research that addresses United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Judging based on four key criteria
  1. Originality and innovation
  2. Appropriateness and application of the methodology
  3. Quality of data/research
  4. Significance/implications for theory and practice

The winner receives a cash prize of £1,000, a certificate and an interview opportunity on the Emerald website. In addition, the winner can work directly with our partners Editage to create a bespoke engaging research summary. The two award runners-up receive a certificate and a published interview on the Emerald website.

More information can be found on the following website: https://www.efmdglobal.org/awards/outstanding-doctoral-research-awards/ 

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