Individual Research Plan (IRP) is one of the most essential documents submitted by PhD student during the education at Doctoral School. IRP is a description of research tasks planned for the realization in the course of education at the School, as well as the schedule of their implementation. IRP is reviewed during the mid-term evaluation and the assessment of the progress is made in relation to IRP, thus developing the IRP requires particular attention and consultation with supervisor(s).
Due to its particular importance, according to ยง 14, section 1 of the Regulations: a PhD student has 12 months from commencing education at Doctoral School for submitting the individual research plan.
Mid-term evaluation is an essential moment in the educational process. The progress of research is then assessed in relation to IRP, current assumptions and the validity of milestones specified in IRP are reviewed.
Mid-term evaluation is carried out in the middle of the education period, i.e. after the fourth semester, whereas the documents determined in mid-term evaluation regulations have to be submitted by the PhD student not later than 30 days before the end of the fourth semester. During the suspension of education or as a result of reasonable random causes, the date of mid-term evaluation is set individually.