Preparing the Individual Research Plan procedure - along with current templates

IRP preparation procedure

  1. Matters related to the Individual Research Plan are regulated by the § 14 of WUT Doctoral School Regulations. Please read them before submitting the IRP. 
  2. IRP is a description of research tasks planned for conducting during in the course of the education at the Doctoral School and the schedule of their implementation. 
  3. IRP must include: 
    • the subject of the dissertation, range and methodology of planned research; 
    • schedule of conducting the dissertation, which should refer to all the tasks and milestones covered by IRP. Milestone is an essential part of the schedule, which summarizes the determined set of tasks or given phase of the project without which the further research is not possible.  
    • expected date of submitting the publication for printing in accordance with the requirements of the WUT Senate in the Resolution on the procedure for awarding a doctoral degree; this date should not be later than until the end of the 6th semester, due to the publishing process; 
  4. Individual Research Plan should be submitted within 12 months from the start of education in Doctoral School (until the last day of the 2nd semester). It has to be prepared on the currently valid templates.
  5. PhD students who are participants of the ‘Implementation doctorate’ program, must submit the IRP on the dedicated template for implementation PhD students.
  6. The implementation PhD student's IRP must include:
    • The content contained in the IRP, in particular the topic of the doctoral dissertation, must be consistent with the content included in the application to the Ministry;
    • Schedule of research and implementation works - should be consistent with the schedule included in the application to the Ministry (it may contain minor deviations) and additionally indicate milestones. It is not required to indicate a milestone related to implementation activities in each semester;
    • Descriptive nature - too general and abbreviated formulations are not accepted by the Ministry;
    • If a literature review is planned in the scientific part, at least several items that will be included and the purpose of the review should be indicated.
  7. It is recommended that the expected date of submission of the doctoral dissertation be the last day of the 8th semester of education.
  8. The IRP must be signed by the PhD student and supervisor/supervisors.  
  9. Completed and signed IRP shall be submitted to the Doctoral School office – room 3.05. 

IRP are refused for formal reasons if:

  • one of the required signatures is not original or one is missing;
  • document is submitted on a bad or outdated template form;
  • expected date of submitting the dissertation is different than the last day of the semester;
  • expected date of submitting for printing the publication is not at least one year before the date of submitting the dissertation;
  • wrong version of IRP is marked;
  • the discipline name is not correct (according the the list of disciplines, in which the school conducts the education and formal PhD student’s assignment);
  • one of the section is not filled.
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