Mid-term evaluation

Mid-term evaluation is an essential moment in the educational process. The progress of research is then assessed in relation to IRP, current assumptions and the validity of milestones specified in IRP are reviewed.


Mid-term evaluation is carried out in the middle of the education period, i.e. after the fourth semester, whereas the documents determined in mid-term evaluation regulations have to be submitted by the PhD student not later than 30 days before the end of the fourth semester. During the suspension of education or as a result of reasonable random causes, the date of mid-term evaluation is set individually.

Detailed schedule of the procedure and the list of documents that have to be submitted are determined by the Head of the Doctoral School’s regulation published before each evaluation.

According to § 16, section 1 of the Regulations: The science committee proposes the members of the mid-term evaluation committees, within 60 days before the start of the evaluation.The members of the committee are the chairman, a member and a secretary. The detailed criteria that must be met by the members of the committee are determined in § 16, section 2, points 1-3 of the Regulations.

Committee meeting is divided into open and closed part. In compliance with § 16, section 5 of the Regulations, the open part of mid-term evaluation committee meeting can be attended by PhD student’s supervisor, Head of the Doctoral School, member of the science committee and PhD students council representative.

The open part of the meeting includes PhD student’s presentation showing the way of conducting IRP and response to the possible committee’s remarks. The closed part of the meeting is attended by the members of the committee only, who determine the result of mid-term evaluation which can be either positive or negative.

Positive result allows to continue education at Doctoral School and entails the increase of a doctoral scholarship – after the month in which the evaluation was conducted, the amount of scholarship is  increased to 57% of the professor’s salary, unless the PhD student takes up employment as an academic teacher or a researcher for more than half of the full-time employment basis. In such case the scholarship amount is reduced to 40%.

 Mid-term evaluation report Template


Before the mid-term evaluation the doctoral student need to complete teaching practice in the amount of at least 45 hours and you need to obtain no less than 10 ECTS.

The justification of the result may include recommendations for changes in the IRP, so after receiving a positive result, the PhD student may apply for the modification of the IRP in accordance with committee’s recommendations (see § 14, section 9)

According to § 16, section 15 of the Regulations: a negative result of mid-term evaluation results in the removal of the PhD student from the PhD students list. 

Information about the procedure of mid-term evaluation will be sent via e-mail to addresses in the @pw.edu.pl domain.