As part of the MNiSW grant, there is an opportunity to receive reimbursement for participation in international conferences related to research using XFEL.
In the coming half-year (until end of July), we recommend attending the following events:
As part of the XFEL project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), we offer the opportunity to undertake short-term (up to 6 weeks) and medium-term (up to 3 months) internships at the research stations of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser - EuXFEL. Participants will become acquainted with research topics and experimental techniques used at EuXFEL. The aim of the internships is to prepare young Polish scientists to utilize EuXFEL as a unique tool in their own research.
It is our pleasure to invite you to this year’s edition of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education’s flagship event, the 2025 EUA-CDE Annual Meeting. Entitled ‘20 years of progress - Celebrating the achievements and shaping the future of doctoral education in Europe’, the conference will take place from 4-6 June, hosted by the University of Lausanne, Switzerlan
10th International Doctoral Students' Conference in Life Sciences – BioOpen
Dear Brainlovers,
We are happy to announce that participant’s registration for Brainhack Warsaw 2025 is open!
Consultations with the Presidium have been cancelled on 20.02.2025.
The Doctoral School offers a unique opportunity to take part in classes led by academic experts – professors and lecturers from all over the world. As part of the “Visiting Professors” and “Visiting Lecturers” programs, PhD students, thanks to unique classes, have the opportunity to enrich their individual course of education and broaden their knowledge horizons. We encourage you to follow the news, because the offer of these classes is varied and updated on an ongoing basis. Details about the subjects, including topics, dates, etc., can be found in the Doctoral School’s courses tab, whereas the introduction of our guests in the ,,Visiting Professors and Lecturers” tab.
Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology has been established with WUT Rector's Order no. 120/2021 of December 14, 2021. Since 01.09.2022, Doctoral School had taken over the PhD students and responsibilities of the old five doctoral schools that were existing in Warsaw University of Technology from 15.04.2019 to 30.09.2022.
The essence of the "Implementation doctorate" program is to create conditions to develop the cooperation between universities and socio-economic environment performed within Doctoral Schools and based on educating PhD students in cooperation with the companies employing them.
Extramural mode is intended for people who are employed at a university or other scientific unit on a research or research and didactic position, and for those, who wish to conduct the scientific research individually and don't have possibility to complete full education in doctoral school.
Each PhD student must meet the requirements presented in the Educational Program, including obligatory semester reports and courses such as Doctoral Seminar, Health and Safety, and Methodology of teaching. However, the Program also constitutes the basis for designing an individual education program.
Admissions to Doctoral School of WUT takes place in a form of a competition organizes twice per academic year within given scientific disciplines.