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The STER Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools Programme financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange aims to support the internationalisation of doctoral schools. https://nawa.gov.pl/instytucje/ster-umiedzynarodowienie-szkol-doktorskich

International Summer School

18 – 22 September 2023
The second PhD Summer School offered for PhD students from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and other universities of the foreign countries.
The aim of the school is to expand education in the field of WUT priorities and to improve specialized and soft skills. The school provides 50 places for participants and will take place 18 – 22nd September 2023 in Warsaw.

DS Conference

On March 21-22, 2024, the II National Conference of Doctoral Schools took place at the Warsaw University of Technology, Rektorska 4 building, organized by the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology under the patronage of the National Agreement of Doctoral Schools. Among the over 125 participants were representatives of 70 (44% of the total in Poland) doctoral schools educating 11,325 (65% of the total) doctoral students.