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Administration of the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology
Location: The Doctoral School is located at 4 Rektorska Street, in the building "Rektorska 4" on the 3rd floor.


PhD students' current matters e-mail: dod@pw.edu.pl
Candidates e-mail: rekrutacja.sd@pw.edu.pl
Matters related to Education; Extramural Doctorates e-mail: ksztalcenie.sd@pw.edu.pl
Matters related to IRP and Mid-Term Evaluation e-mail: nauka.sd@pw.edu.pl
Implementation Doctorates e-mail: doktorat.wdrozeniowy@pw.edu.pl
Projects organized by DS or in cooperation e-mail: projekty.sd@pw.edu.pl

PhD students, Doctoral School candidates and its graduates can contact with the following matters:

  -  issuing a certificate of PhD student status,

  -  issuing and prolonging the student ID card, as well as issuing card’s duplicate,

  -  scholarship payment,

  -  insurances,

  -  suspension of education due to maternal/paternal/parental leave,

  -  receiving a referral for a medical check,

  -  changing the personal data,

  -  verification of learning outcomes (including the extramural mode),

  -  educational offer,

  -  registration for courses/quitting the courses/receiving credit for courses form outside of the WUT offer,

  -  appointing/changing the supervisor,

  -  submitting/changing the IRP,

  -  mid-term evaluation,

  -  implementation doctorate,

  -  admission to Doctoral School.


The office is placed in ‘Rektorska 4’ at  Rektorska 4 and offers the following visiting hours:

  -  Monday, Tuesday: 10:00 – 16:00

  -  Wednesday – closed

  -  Thursday, Friday: 8:30 – 14:30