
Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology offer consultations with the DS Presidum:

  • Head of Doctoral School – prof. dr hab. inż. Paweł Pyrzanowski 

And chairmen of:

  • Education Committee – dr hab. inż. Aneta Pobudkowska-Mirecka, prof. uczelni
  • Science Committee – dr hab. inż. Anna Kosieradzka, prof. uczelni
  • Admission Committee – prof. dr hab. Ewa Karwowska

They take place on Thursdays within 11:00 - 12:00, ul. Rektorska 4, room nr 3.06. In case where the consultations are cancelled, such information will be available on the Doctoral School website in the news tab and in the MS Teams application in the channel for PhD students.