Procedure for the modification of IRP on PhD student’s request
Procedure for the modification of IRP on PhD student’s request
- Matters related to the Individual Research Plan are regulated by the § 14 of WUT Doctoral School Regulations. Please read them before preparing and submitting the IRP modification.
- IRP can be modified on PhD student’s request.
- Application for substantive IRP modification can only be submitted in the first month of each semester and at the ministry request for PhD students that are participants of ‘Implementation doctorate’ program.
- At any time during the education period, an application for IRP modification may be submitted for formal reasons in relation to:
- changing the date of submitting the dissertation (e. g. because of suspension or applying for extension without changing the scope of tasks and milestones);
- moving the tasks and milestones between semesters;
- changing the supervisor without any substantive changes to IRP;
- appointing or changing the second supervisor or assistant supervisor without any substantive changes to IRP.
- In case of suspension of education, an application for a formal IRP modification (change of the expected date of submitting the dissertation) must be submitted before the suspension or no later than on the first day after the period of suspension. Application for substantive IRP modification can only be submitted in the first month of each semester.
- Application addressed to the Head of the Doctoral School must include: description of provided changes, argumentation and the supervisor’s positive opinion. Application template has been attached to this procedure.
- An updated Individual Research Plan must be attached to the application for formal/substantive IRP modification.
- The application along with the IRP modification shall be submitted to the Doctoral School office – room 3.05.