Details concerning conducting the Methodology of Teaching


The course ,,Methodology of Teaching" must be conducted during the first year of education (1 or 2 semester). It is a mandatory course. 

In case of registering for the course in the 1 semester you must:

  • pass the 10-hour lecture and 2 workshops 10 hours each in the 1 semester; 
  • conduct the co-teaching and submit to Doctoral School the confirmation of co-taught classes until the end of classes in the 2 semester at the latest (not conducting the co-teaching classes in the 1 semester, does not require registration for the course in the 2 semester).


Failed lecture or one of the workshops:

  • In the 1 semester, PhD student receives "nzal" (failed/not passed) from the course "Methodology of Teaching". 
  • You must register again for the course "Methodology of Teaching". Only people who are registered for the course, can take part in the II round of registration and choose the lecture/workshops/projects. 
  • You must register only for the parts that have not been passed yet. 
  • If one of the parts has been passed in the 1 semester - there is no necessity to pass this part in the 2 semester. 


In case of registering for the course in the 2 semester:

  • In compliance with the Educational Program in the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology, the "Methodology of Teaching" must be conducted within the first year of education - in result the PhD student is obligated to conduct all parts during the 2 semester. 


According to the Regulations of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Technology § 12 item 7:

In the case of PhD students who began their education at the Doctoral School in the winter semester of 2022/23 or later, the condition for admission to didactic practice is the prior completion of the subject Methodology of teaching, within which co-conducting classes for a minimum of 15 hours is required. Co-conducting classes within this subject is not included in the pool of the mandatory number of hours of didactic practice.

  1. Co-conducting classes template (.pdf, 129.37 kB)