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General information
Each participant of a Doctoral School not having a doctoral degree is given a scholarship.
Legal basis:
The period of payment
The scholarship will be paid for the entire period of education at a Doctoral School (also during holiday), but no longer than for 4 years. This period does not include:
- suspension of education for the period corresponding to the duration of the maternity leave, leave on the conditions of maternity leave, paternity and parental leave,
- the period of education at the Doctoral School, if it ceased education and there is no other Doctoral School providing education in a given discipline, and the entity running the Doctoral School covers the costs of the proceedings for the award of a doctoral degree in extramural mode
The amount of scholarship
At the moment the amount of doctoral scholarship at Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Technology is PLN 3 467 gross (at least 37% of the professor’s salary). Positive result of the mid-term evaluation results in increasing the doctoral scholarship to the amount of PLN 5 341,00 gross, from the month after getting a positive result.
The increase of scholarship
PhD students who have:
- a disability certificate,
- a certificate on the degree of disability,
- a total or partial incapacity for work and inability to independent existence, established on the basis of the Art. 5 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- a certificate on being included in one of the groups of disabled persons and are persons with disabilities established on the basis of the Art. 62 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities
get scholarship increased by 30%. In order for the scholarship to be increased, a PhD student is obliged to present a current certificate/decision on disability, a certificate on the degree of disability referred to in Art. 5 and Art. 62 of the the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities.
Earlier submission of a PhD thesis
A PhD student who submits the doctoral dissertation earlier than the date of completion of education specified in the educational program, shall receive the doctoral scholarship until the date of the deadline for the completion of education, but not longer than for six months. (S)he then receives a one-off payment of a doctoral scholarship equivalent to the amount due for the period remaining until the statutory date of completion of education, but no longer than 6 months. The total period of receiving a doctoral scholarship in Doctoral Schools may not exceed 4 years.
End of the payment
The payment of the scholarship shall cease on the last day of the month in which the PhD student was removed from the list of PhD students or on which the statutory deadline for receiving the scholarship expired.
Insurance contributions
Doctoral scholarship is tax-free, but is subject to obligatory pension, disability and accident insurance according to the provisions of the social insurance system. Sickness insurance is voluntary.
More information can be found in the ‘Insurance’ section.
The basis for starting the payment of doctoral scholarship is submitting ZUS ZUA, PZ SAP and ZZA forms within 7 days from being admitted to the Doctoral School. PhD students realizing ‘Implementational doctorate’ program are obliged to additionally submit a trilateral agreement.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact dod@pw.edu.pl
Additional scholarship programs for PhD students within Excellence Initiative – Research University
New PhD students Scholarship Programmes
WUT START program
The purpose of WUT Start Programme is providing one-off financial aid for doctoral students admitted to doctoral schools at WUT. The scholarship applies to the newly admitted doctoral students and in 2023 was PLN 4,200. To apply for the scholarship, the PhD student has to complete the agreement and submit it to the PhD Students Office within 90 days from the admission.
Agreement for financial support - WUT START program
Grant+ program
The purpose of the Grant+ Program at WUT is to raise the amount of scholarship above the statutory minimum. The amount of Grant+ depends on the year of study of a PhD student and meeting the scientific criterion related to the IDUB program indices.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact biuro.idub@pw.edu.pl.
More information can be found at: https://www.excellence.pw.edu.pl/excellence