The STER Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools Programme financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange aims to support the internationalisation of doctoral schools.

Warsaw University of Technology received the funding from NAWA in 2020 after gaining the 7th place from among approximately 30 competitors.

The title of the Project is Smart Education for Engineering Doctors. For the next three years i.e. until the end of 2023, doctoral schools’ participants will be provided with a financial as well as a substantive support.

Key tasks of the Project:

  • Increasing the number of international PhD students by organising  online open days for international candidates or distributing information materials concerning Doctoral Schools, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw and Poland.
  • Offering scholarships for the best international students and Polish students under an international supervisor – the scholarships will be awarded through a competition procedure as an additional form of support independent from the doctoral scholarship, after the acceptance of the individual research plan.
  • Financing long-term international scientific internships for PhD students – it is planned to finance 2 10-month scholarships,  2 6-month scholarships and  15 3-month scholarships where accommodation and travelling expenses will be covered. Scientific internship scholarships will be awarded through a competition procedure.
  • Offering additional courses in English for PhD students – the financing covers preparing materials for the English courses by Polish as well as international academic teachers in order to increase the number of English courses available. These include the workshops which will be organised in 2022 and 2023 and may be particularly interesting due to the fact that not only WUT Doctoral Schools’ participants but also representatives of other international institutions will be able to participate.
  • Organisation of summer schools -  one week summer schools are planned to be organised during the summer months (most likely in July) in 2022 and 2023. During the events, WUT PhD students will be able to gain new international contacts since there will also be invited participants from abroad.
  • Establishing cooperation with international institutions in order to organise joint degrees – the realisation of joint degree programme simultaneously in WUT and in an international institution will result in obtaining the PhD degree in both places providing numerous opportunities for future scientific career.