Registration for courses

Below you will find the essential information regarding the registration for courses.

According to the Educational Program in Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology, PhD student is obligated to conduct:

  • Health and safety training – in the first semester of education.
  • Methodology of teaching – obligatory course in the first year of education.
  • Courses from the Researcher Workshop – it is required to obtain at least 9 ECTS including at least 5 ECTS within the specified subjects offered by the Doctoral School.
  • Specialized courses – it is required to obtain at least 15 ECTS:
    • Courses from within the represented scientific discipline – it is required to obtain at least 7 ECTS.
    • Courses from other scientific disciplines – it is required to obtain at least 4 ECTS.
  • Courses conducted in English – it is required to obtain at least 6 ECTS.
  • Doctoral seminar – 15 hours per year, including own presentation not less than 2 times during the entire educational period.
  • Teaching practice – 105 hours during the entire educational period, but not less than 45 hours before the mid-term evaluation; no more than 30 hours can be implemented in the form of supervision over theses.

Registration schedule for the WUT Doctoral School courses for the summer semester 2024/2025 (2025L)


1.  Publishing on the Doctoral School website the cards of the courses – until 14.01.2025.


2.  I round of registrations for courses and seminars – 20.02.2025, 20:00 – 26.02.2025, 23:59.

During this round, PhD students and candidates recruited for the first semester will be able to register in the USOS system for the courses from groups:

  • researcher workshop (including the mandatory ,,Methodology of teaching” during the first year of education in DS);
  • speciality courses (from discipline and outside of discipline);
  • interdisciplinary seminar;

We request that PhD students register as soon as possible, so the courses coordinators could analyze the strength of the groups.

Note: Please choose the course group carefully. There will be no possibility to deregister from a course after the I round of registrations. 

3. Verification of the registrations – 27.02. – 05.03.2025

During the verification there will be a generated report containing the summarized registrations after the I round. Education Committee will verify which courses obtained the maximum number of participants, and which courses cannot be launched because they have not reached the minimal limits of participants:

  • for lectures – 12 PhD students minimum;
  • for other forms of education – 10 PhD students minimum.

The final decision of launching the courses in the winter semester 2024Z will be made by Education Committee in consultation with the Deans.

4. II round of registrations for courses and seminars – 06.03.2025, 20:00 – 09.03.2025, 23:59

During this round, PhD students can once again register for all the courses and seminars that were not removed after the first round.

At the same time PhD students should verify their registration and alternatively add courses from the available list for registration, in order to receive the respective number of ECTS points in groups, and to receive the study effects.

5. The beginning of the classes – 10.03.2025

From that day all the classes for PhD students are starting. The exact dates and schedules will be given by the courses coordinators.

6. Establishing a schedule of interdisciplinary seminars in the summer semester – 10.03. - 21.03.2025

Seminar conductors contact PhD students registered for their thematic block.

7. The begining of the interdisciplinary seminars in the summer semester – 24.03.2025

All seminars for PhD students start from this date. The exact dates of the thematic blocks will be posted on the Doctoral School website.

8. There is a possibility to submit an application to deregister from the course until 21.03.2025.

PhD student can submitt an application to withdraw from a course personally or by sending the scan of the document to: The application needs to be addressed to the DS Director and signed by the course coordinator and PhD student.