Summary of information about subjects offered by the Doctoral School
Doctoral School courses in the summer semester 2024/25 (2025L):
Excel Spreadsheet, which can be found below, includes the following information about courses:
- catalogue number (given by DS);
- title of the course in Polish (PL) and English (ENG) language;
- language in which the course is conducted;
- coordinator of the course;
- course lecturer;
- form and aggregate number of hours in the semester: lecture (wykład - W), exercices (ćwiczenia - C), project (projekt - P), laboratory (laboratoria - L), seminar (seminaria - S);
- ECTS number;
- faculty, unit offering the course;
- disciplines;
- study effects on the 8PRK level.
The number ,,1'' in the cell means a course has been assigned to the given faculty, discipline or study effects.
- number: 4606-PS-00000CD-0021
- title: PL, ENG: „Inteligencja obliczeniowa zorientowana na człowieka”, „Human-centred computational intelligence”;
- language in which the course is conducted: PL;
- coordinator: prof. dr hab. inż. Artur Przelaskowski
- lecturer:
- number of hours.: wykład - 30, ćwiczenia -, projekt - 15, laboratoria -, seminaria -;
- ECTS number: 4;
- courses conducted by the faculty: Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych;
- discipline: Informatyka Techniczna i Telekomunikacja, Inżynieria Biomedyczna;
- effects: W1, W2, W3, U1, U2, U4, U5, K1, K2
Excel Spreadsheet: