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PhD Student's Schedule - summer semester 2024/2025

In response to your remarks about the need to organize the activities required from the PhD. students, we are pleased to present the PhD. student’s Schedule for the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, where you can find deadlines to fulfill some formal issues. We believe that this Schedule will make it easier for you to organize your activities and smartly spread them in time..

Internships at the EuXFEL

As part of the XFEL project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), we offer the opportunity to undertake short-term (up to 6 weeks) and medium-term (up to 3 months) internships at the research stations of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser - EuXFEL. Participants will become acquainted with research topics and experimental techniques used at EuXFEL. The aim of the internships is to prepare young Polish scientists to utilize EuXFEL as a unique tool in their own research.

Reimbursemnt for participation in XFEL conferences

As part of the MNiSW grant, there is an opportunity to receive reimbursement for participation in international conferences related to research using XFEL.
In the coming half-year (until end of July), we recommend attending the following events:

EUA-CDE Annual Meeting

It is our pleasure to invite you to this year’s edition of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education’s flagship event, the 2025 EUA-CDE Annual Meeting. Entitled ‘20 years of progress - Celebrating the achievements and shaping the future of doctoral education in Europe’, the conference will take place from 4-6 June, hosted by the University of Lausanne, Switzerlan

10th International Doctoral Students' Conference in Life Sciences – BioOpen

10th International Doctoral Students' Conference  in Life Sciences – BioOpen

Brainhack Warsaw 2025

Dear Brainlovers,

We are happy to announce that participant’s registration for Brainhack Warsaw 2025 is open! 

Consultations with the Presidium cancelled on 20.02.2025

Consultations with the Presidium have been cancelled on 20.02.2025.

Consultations with the Presidium cancelled on 13.02.2025

Consultations with the Presidium have been cancelled on 13.02.2025.

Czesław M. Rodkiewicz Scholarship Foundation - Konkurs 2025

Zamiarem Czesław M. Rodkiewicz Scholarship Foundation jest jednorazowe dofinansowanie polskich doktorantów w celu ułatwienia im kontynuowania kształcenia. Każdego roku dwóch laureatów Konkursu otrzyma jednorazową bezzwrotną subwencję w wysokości 4000 dolarów kanadyjskich. Fundacja istnieje od 1999 roku. W ciągu dwudziestu pięciu lat dałalności Fundacji wynagrodziliśmy czterdziestu dziewięciu doktorantów - w sumie 182 tysięce dolarów kanadyjskich. 

Semester report 2024/2025

We kindly inform that the semester report for the winter semester 2024/2025 will be available in the USOS system from January 27, 2025 (Monday), after 16:00 and it must be submitted until February 10, 2025 (Monday). The report must include your PhD students achievements card from REPO PW. In the attachment you will find the instruction of how to generate this document. Then please attach it to the semester report.